Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

This one is definitely random, but it seemed important to have a holiday-themed coffee pot sign.  By the time I posted this last year, it seemed like most people were already out of the office for vacation.  This year I'll remember to post it a bit earlier.  Or ideally, one of you has come up with a better Thanksgiving-themed sign!  (nudge nudge)

This will be the only post for this week, but I'll start back up with 3 per week next Monday.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Full Pot. Groovy.

My coworker Eric took a different approach to coffee pot signs.  Instead of focusing on the caption as a one-liner, he makes signs of a scene with a coffee cup or pot subtlety photoshopped in.  Once a workplace is used to the signs (and understands what they're for), introducing these "meta-signs" are a great idea.  However for this one, I was able to come up with an effective caption.

If you aren't familiar with the cult classic Army of Darkness, or if you are and don't get the reference, this scene explains it for you (so it's not exactly the right scene, but it's close enough).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In Soviet Russia, coffee brews YOU!

I'm not familiar with this comedian, but some of my coworkers are.  Yakov Smirnoff apparently has a one-liner that he repeats continuously during his routines, much like a Mad Lib.

In Soviet Russia, ________  ________s YOU!
                   (noun)    (verb)

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm really happy for you

The meme (and the sign) are over a year old at this point, so if you missed it, this one is about Kanye West being...well...himself.  This is definitely one of the best coffee pot signs of the year.  No - the best coffee pot signs of all time!

"Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you and Imma let you finish. But Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is Sparta!

Today I take a break from posting the classic original coffee pot signs, to post one of my newer ones.  The concept for this one is so awesome, I'm don't know how I didn't think of it sooner!

This is madness?

If you don't get the reference, here it is, for your viewing pleasure.  It's actually a very popular internet meme, as explained in this Wikipedia article.
A short scene from the movie 300

Monday, November 8, 2010

NSFW: Ceiling cat is watching you...

Okay, so this isn't directly NSFW, but you definitely should not post it in your workplace.  This wikipedia article explains why. 

Ceiling cat is watching you...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Prepare to brew

I feel like there are a lot more potential signs from The Princess Bride.  Let me know if you think of any!

This has been everyone's favorite so far

Friday, November 5, 2010

Why is the rum gone?

A bit cheesy with the "rum" crossed out, but it's still a fun reference.  I had to take a screenshot of youtube clip paused at just the right moment to capture the perfectly anguished facial expression.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You kill the Jo', you make some mo'

Terry Tate, the office linebacker educates a coworker on coffee pot ettiquite.  If you haven't heard of Terry Tate, you DEFINITELY want to watch these videos:  Terry Tate Office Linebacker   Terry Tate: Reading Is Fundamental

"Playin' hurt?  Baby that don't phase me.  I don't got time for pain.  The only pain I got time for is the pain I put on fools who don't know what time it is."
- Terry Tate, Office Linebacker

This one is taken pretty much straight out of the first Terry Tate video, so it's not all that creative.  If you look closely at that first video, you can see that they actually already had a coffee pot sign, back in 2002!

"Don't be a drip...Make a new pot!"